Find Your Voice: Command a Room

Finding Your Voice/The Confident Speaker

 Want to ace your college interviews?  Want to become a confident speaker with a persuasive message?  Want to learn the skills necessary to achieve excellence in college and beyond? 

YOU can learn public speaking skills from a Broadway actor and renowned communications coach whose clients include Adam Grant, television anchors and contributors, celebrities, authors, economists, and executives from such companies as Uber, Walmart, and the Washington Speakers Bureau!

YOU can take part in group sessions—learning from your peers, testing your skills against an actual audience, and getting real-time feedback—as well as personalized, online instruction, including how to nail a remote meeting/interview, how to use a camera to your advantage, and how to project who you are through the screen.

YOU can learn how to tell your story in a way that captivates and persuades, from writing a speech or presentation, to mapping out and practicing your college interview; how to use your voice and comport yourself in a way that demonstrates confidence and command; and how to turn the commonly shared fear of public speaking into excitement!

This is a life-long and powerful skill that will service you well in every aspect of your life. Take control now to maximize your potential.

Aug 12-16
Mornings 9am-12pm




Chris DeFrancesco